Reporting to Parents & Caregivers


Term 1 – Whānau picnic

Term 2- Student Led Conferences

Term 3- Parent / Teacher / Student Interviews

Term 4- Student report on HERO

We will make arrangements for new families enrolling in our school (at any level) to meet with their child/ren’s teacher to discuss learning expectations for the year.

Parents can request interviews throughout the year by contacting teachers directly at the school.  We welcome parent requests to meet and discuss their children’s learning progress.

Learning Portfolio - HERO:



HERO Reporting to whanau against the curriculum


Learning progress


Term 1

Numeracy post


Term 2

Literacy post



Term 3



Term 4

Literacy post

Numeracy post





General comment


Progress and Achievement Folder:

Every child will have a Progress and Achievement Folder in which learning progress will be tracked across all learning areas of the NZ Curriculum.  It will include ‘progressions’ for learning across all year levels.  This will show families the learning progress of their child over time.     

Teacher Assessment Practices

Teachers use a range of sources to make an over-all ‘teacher judgment' about your child’s achievement.  These include: observations, interviews with children, comparing a child’s learning example with an exemplar and formal testing.